Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Halloween

Tonight was Trick or Treat night in the little town where Amy’s parents live, so we took Babe-O out there to make the rounds.  She is just over a year old, so she is really at the height of Halloween costume cuteness, particularly as she toddled around in her ladybug suit.

Babe-O is also young enough that it is tricky to guess how she’s going to react to crazy situations like staying up past her bed time to panhandle door to door dressed like an insect.  No worries, though, she loved it.  After about two houses she figured out the protocol and began charging up the sidewalk grinning on the way to the candy buckets.  She had a tiny felt treat bag that she would wave wildly in one hand while hanging on to Amy or me for balance with the other.

We only did about a dozen houses and spent a little bit of time hanging out with Amy’s family and then headed home.  It was an excellent dry run for this weekend, when we’ll do Trick or Treat in our own neighborhood.

Once we got home, Babe-O was obviously pooped so we pretty much took her right up to bed.  And, for the record, holy crap what an adorable kid.  Just as she started getting sleepy, she put her arms out and reached for Amy.  Amy picked her up, and Babe-O slumped over her shoulder.  Then Babe-O, completely sleepy and eyes shut tight, started to pull her head back, kiss her mom, and put her head back down.  She did this four or five times and then laid down in the bed, now just barely awake.  She snuggled up with her baby blanket, which she lifted up and down for a few quick rounds of silent peek-a-boo before she drifted off.

Between the two very beautiful girls doting on each other and the sleepy acts of affection from the little one, it was one of the nicest things I’ve ever seen. 

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