Thursday, December 10, 2009

How many boobs in a quart?

Tonight Amy needed to do some shopping/decompressing, so Babe-O and I were left to our own devices for bedtime. We knew this has a chance to get ugly, as the little one breastfeeds twice a day: first thing in the morning and right before bed.

It's been a while since I've done the bedtime routine solo, but as I remember, I'm a consistent disappointment in the nursing department.

So here's how it went down.

Amy left. I put Babe-O in the bath. So far so good.

After the bath I blowdryed her hair and got her dressed for bed.

Then we went downstairs and I picked out a drinking glass that looked like it would hold about as much milk as one boob. We filled it up with the organic whole milk that Babe-O drinks and we headed upstairs.

I cleared the bed off, shut the lights off, turned on the TV, and then grabbed Amy's nursing pillow and wrapped it around my waist. Babe-O crawled right over, I plopped her on her butt on top of the pillow, and held up the glass with a drinking straw in it.

She took a long drink, draining the whole thing in one stretch. Then I rolled her onto the bed next to me and shut off the TV. After that, Babe-O sat up, laid down, sat up, laid down, and then finally crashed out on top of her favorite fuzzy blanket.

I build her standard protective pillow fortress along the edges of the bed so that she wouldn't roll off and went downstairs to get some work done. In case you're wondering, THAT my friends, is how it's done.


  1. Good work, my friend. We finally weaned from the bedtime breastfeeding by swapping who did bedtime routine. Not sure if you are at that point yet, of course, but it worked for us.

  2. The swapping the routine is how we switched from breastfeeding to straight bed too.

    But what I really want to say is, she can drink out of a straw?? Holy crap, I'm so impressed!

  3. This is a situation I know nothing about. Thankfully my wife is good at what she does, as my 2yo son nurses in the morning, late morning (aka elevensies - like a hobbit), noon, early afternoon, late afternoon, etc. and I've never had the solo bedtime experience. Goodonya, though.
