Tuesday, November 3, 2009

And tonight...we blow dry.

The little lady is getting dangerously close to first haircut territory.  She was born with quite a lot of hair, but so far all of the growing has been dedicated to filling in the little bald spot that used to be on the back of her head.  Only now is she beginning to get some length. 

In fact, when it lays just right, she has about eleven hairs that can hang down as low as her eyes.  As the resident baby-washer, I’ve recently had to add the blow dryer to the bedtime routine.  Rather than just giving her the quick towel head scruffle like I used to, now we head to the bathroom and do a little warm blowdrying and combing before bed.

Babe-O seems to prefer it to getting brushed with wet hair in her bedroom, so it is a nice little addition to our bedtime routine.

She shakes her head back and forth to bask in the warm air and I use one of her mom’s brushes to get all of her hair pointed in a similar direction. 

In the past, I was pretty hit and miss with the hair style and she would occasionally end up going to bed with a little baby combover.  My success rate is improving now that the hair dryer is involved. 

What’s next?  Who knows.  I might even start combing my own hair one of these days.


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