Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Babe-O’s clinically beautiful eyes

Okay, we already knew that Babe-O had pretty eyes, but today we got word that they were also nice and healthy and all that stuff.

We took her to the eye doctor for her freebie infant checkup. It wasn't entirely smooth sailing.

First of all, we had a very foul diaper situation within a few minutes of arrival. The office didn't have a restroom, so we ended up down the hall at a common office-complex bathroom that didn't have a changing table in it. After that it was out to the car to change the diaper. On the way back in, Mom-O carried the baby and I carried the paper Wegman's bakery bag full of baby poop. After briefly considering lighting the thing on fire and leaving it in the lobby as a friendly suggestion to get a damn family-friendly restroom, I settled on dropping it in a trash can and hoping it stunk a little.

With the diaper situation resolved, we were back in the waiting room for what turned out to be a really long time. Apparently they were backed up or something.

We spend 45 minutes or so goofing off and trying to keep the baby entertained until we finally got to go back for the exam.

After a little more waiting and letting Babe-O spin around on the stool and play with some of the eye doctor equipment, she got her checkup.

The first part was a breeze: look at the clown, flashy light, look over here, look over there.

Then we found out she was going to be dilated, which meant eyedrops.

Administering eyedrops to a 10 month old kid is a logistical challenge. Imagine Mom-O in the big optometrist throne with the baby in a headlock, little eyes pried open, the doctor trying to get the drops in there, and more screaming than we heard when she got stuck with big ugly vaccination needles. She was maaaaaaaad. And then couldn't touch her face for 10 minutes. She wasn't crazy about that, either.

Once the drops had enough time to work, the doctor gave her one last look and gave her a clean bill of eye health. By the end of the whole thing she seemed pretty tired and beat up.

I went back to work and she went home for a pretty long nap.

Next appointment: age three.


  1. Umm... wow. We might skip this until later in life for our toddler! Glad that all is well with your daughters eyes!

  2. ya know . . . My health care center (family dr's, pedi's, labs, eye dr's etc. including after hours clinic) does not have a changing station ANYWHERE. ANd changing baby (who wants to roll and explore) on an exam table is a Pain in the arse!!!! I feel your pain.

  3. @robmonroe
    thanks. i suppose it is a good thing to do, but dang!

    that's odd. raise hell!
